30.000+ visits at Mineral.fi

On April 17, 2011, in News, by Mineral

Oh yeah, I was really glad to see that we have now 30.000 visits from over 7000 unique visitors here at Mineral.fi. Big thanks to you all visiting my site! 🙂

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Litku 15.4.2011 w/ Mineral

On April 13, 2011, in News, by Mineral

I’m really excited, as the new finnish Liquid Drum’n’bass club Litku launches at 15.4.2011. I was invited to play a liquid dnb set along with the Concussion crew residents, so make sure you join the party! I’ve got quite a lot of fresh rollers to be played 🙂

Check out more at Litku facebook event page

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The next free track is up, and it’s a really good one. Our special guest is Dangerdogg hailing from Finland. Check out his rough basslines and rollerbreakz in this fresh track The Moving Couple. Yeah!

Dangerdogg – The Moving Couple [download mineral_free020]

The Dude is what the Dude does.

Dangerdogg is a skateboarder turned dj/producer hailing from Helsinki, Finland. Having his influences from doom metal to rocksteady and blues this fine young skaterat isn’t afraid to combine different styles and aesthetics in to his productions.

He’s already been causing mayhem on the dancefloors with his partner Sir Nenis under the Sharkslayer moniker but this time he’s going solo for a DNB treat.

Enjoy the track and keep on sending the demos! Much appreciated.

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Pressure15 -club this Friday w/ Ulterior Motive!

On March 23, 2011, in News, by Mineral

This weekend is going to be ultraspecial, as we’re bringing Ulterior Motive (Metalheadz, Subtitles, Critical) as our guest to the Pressure Club at Finland, Tampere, Yo-Talo. Make sure you come to the party, as it’s gonna be big, I’m telling ya!


Here’s a short clip that I found. It’s myself playing at Pressure3. Hope this sets up the right mood for this friday! 🙂


If you didn’t check these yet, Fanu and Esc did two fresh podcasts for the Science Crew. Both are amazing mixes and very much worth listening. Check ’em at www.sciencehki.net!

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We have another great free track up, by DJ Mauoq from Rome, now based in London. Unknown Recipient is a nice atmospheric track with some techish spices innit. Check it out!

Mauoq – Unknown Recipient [download mineral_free_019]

Unknown Recipient [2011] by Mauoq

Mauoq is a dj/producer from Rome, now based in London. I had the chance to ask Mauoq about his musical backround & interests:

“I started DJing at student parties in Italy in the early ’90s and fell in love with DnB shortly after.I was exposed to music softwares in the late nineties and that slowly but steady became my obsession. I’ve played many clubs in Rome and London, but now I’m concentrating more on production. After years fiddling with various electronic music toys it’s only recently that I started feeling relatively happy about my music and my first release is coming out  end of March on Green Queen Music.

Generally speaking I would like the world to know that drum’n’bass has evolved. There’s now much more to it than just rattling drums and overloud basslines. This is what I try to do with my podcast and ultimately with my own production.

This track “Unknown Recipient” was written almost entirely two years ago and I thought that a little polish would have made it a nice listen. I think I was right. I hope you agree. Enjoy.”

I’m really digging your style Mauoq, keep it up! There’s some really cool tracks in Mauoq’s soundcloud, I’d recommend you to listen “Aerosolid”, a track that has gotten dj support from Stunna.

Check more of Mauoq’s production, quality mixes and more:

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This week’s Free Track comes from the UK by an artist called J Melodic. Jay’s songs are heavily inspired by the melodic side of drum’n’bass, just like his artistname says. Grab a coffee and start listening “Key Tempo”. Njoy!

J Melodic – Key Tempo [download mineral_free_018]

Key tempo by J Melodic

J Melodic is a UK based Dj and Producer. He started DJing back in 95 playing DnB and Uk Garage/Soulful House. After practising his DJ skills for five years, J Melodic  naturally progressed in producing DnB/soulful House and other genres in 2000.

Jay’s music is influenced by many artists from the melodic side of dnb. He says, that he gets his inspirations and influences from LTJ Bukem, Lenzman, mjcole, Goldie, Fabio, Marcus Intalex, mood2swing to name but a few.

There’s a lot of variation in J Melodic’s production. I’m really digging his (WIP) We run tings, an old school track at Jay’s soundcloud. Check it out at his soundcloud.

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Esc’s track “Lost And Found” and my remix of the track was released on indajungle recording. Check it out and buy the tracks if you like them!

IDJR110: Esc – Lost and Foundhttp://www.junodownload.com/products/1706446-02.htm


Hold tight for some more free tracks. I’ve got some really good ones coming! Thanks again for sending the tracks, much appreciated 🙂

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Mineral – Promomix 2011 (feat. various artists)

On March 3, 2011, in News, by Mineral

I’m proud to present the fresh “Mineral – Promomix 2011”. This drum’n’bass mix includes 20 tunes by myself and remixes & collaboration tracks by featuring artists. Enjoy the mix!

MINERAL – PROMOMIX 2011 [download]

Mineral – Promomix 2011 by DJ mineral

01. Mineral – Other Life (Trisector remix) [dub]
02. Seba – Painted Skies (Mineral remix) [knowledge magazine remix contest]
03. Mineral – Reach For The Stars – Ben Kama remix [forthcoming indajungle]
04. Mineral – Lukumo (Audite & Wintermute remix) [forthcoming trust in music]
05. Resound & Mineral – Below Zero [dub]
06. Esc – Lost And Found (Mineral rmx) [IDJR110]
07. Mineral – Jupiter (Fanu’s smelly kitchen remix) [forthcoming lightless]
08. Mineral – Martial Arts [dub]
09. Mineral – Everytime You Are Near [dub]
10. Mineral – Need Your Love [forthcoming indajungle]
11. Mineral – Lost Signal [dub]
12. Mineral – God’s Symphony [forthcoming indajungle]
13. Mineral – Spider (Naraka rmx) [forthcoming indajungle]
14. Taajuus & Mineral – Four Years Later [dub]
15. Mineral – One Still Remains (Defence remix) [forthcoming indajungle]
16. Mineral – Step [mineral.fi_free_012]
17. Mineral – Rushing Girl [dub]
18. Mineral – Free Drum [dub]
19. Esc – Kongo Tune (Mineral 2010 VIP) [mineral.fi_free_008]
20. Mineral – Twisted Dream [forthcoming lightless]

Check more sounds by Mineral at http://www.soundcloud.com/dj-mineral

Mineral - Promomix 2011 (Coverart by Esc)

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I just finished my dnb remix for the Knowledge magazine “Seba – Painted Skies” remix contest. Feedback would be much appreciated – please share your thoughts at soundcloud! 🙂

Seba – Painted Skies (Mineral remix) by DJ mineral

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The Free Track of The Week #17 comes from Resound, a good friend of mine who’s been around in the dnb scene for more than a decade. Check the atmospheres in the track “Northern Lights” by the one and only Resound – produced back in 2000!

Resound – Northern Lights [download mineral.fi_free017]

Resound is a musician/producer and DJ from Tampere, Finland. Many know him from his music on such record labels as Digital Soundboy, Renegade Hardware, Razor’s Edge/Metalheadz, Function and Secret Operations. He also does a lot of mixing/engineering/mastering work for others.

Resound’s style is timeless, I’d say. Just think about this track “Northern Lights”: it was done more than a decade ago and it still sounds SO fresh with the atmospheric melodies and fine unique beat variations. No wonder Resound is recognized worldwide as a producer and dj.


One of Resound’s newer productions, “Vertigo”, done in collaboration with Loxy was released recently, and it is definitely worth checking out. Listen & buy at Juno and other good record stores. Also, hold tight for the Loxy & Resound album which is due on Exit later…


We’ve also been working on a yet untitled drum’n’bass track with Resound, and the track is about to get finished.

I’m planning to record a mixtape later this week including this new track (and bunch of other new tracks!), and it’ll be available here at mineral.fi next week. This is a mix that I’ve been planning to record for a long time, so check back soon!


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